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Let us guess...
You're probably already working a part-time job...
They say "Hustlin Ain't Easy"... but what if it was? We take the hassle out of the hustle. A perfectly crafted 35 hour work week that maximises your time, so that you can earn big. If you are looking to save money, or just live a baller lifestyle, this option is for you.
What are the requirements?
You need to be keen to work hard. +40k doesn't come easy.
This 35 hour work week has eliminated office hours, and maximised paid teaching time. Don't waste your valuable time on admin. Maximised teaching hours = maximised pay. This opportunity is not for the faint of heart - you're in this for a good time, not a long time. Get in, get out - fatten up your bank balance. Do this for 12 months and you can expect to walk away with ¥400,000 in savings.
Live like a King 👑
We guarantee - you'll have more money than you know what to do with. Make the most of this opportunity, and you can change the rest of your life.
Save HUGE Cash
Live Like A King
Kickstart Your Life
Save up to ¥400,000 per year, earning +40k/month after tax
China isn't expensive to begin with... imagine your life with +40k/month!
12 months in China could be equivalent to 3-5 years of work at home. Be smarter.
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